閱讀技巧 (Reading Comprehension)


Exercise 654
Purpose: Increasing reading comprehension skills /加強閱讀技巧

Pick the work or expression whose meaning is closest to the meaning of the underlined word or expression in the following passages.


1. Substandard corporate performances have driven down the prices of many listed stocks in Taiwan, straining the Taiwanese financial sector by increasing loan default rates.

I A.  abating

B.  distending  

C.  slackening


2. To strengthen the financial sector, the Taiwanese government has initiated comprehensive reforms focused on market liberalization and institutional mergers.

A.  antithetical

B.  incompatible

C.  capacious  


3. However, these well-intentioned policies have incurred further financial problems.

A.  meaning  

B.  designed

C.  structured


4. For example, market liberalization policies have led to the emergence of large numbers of banks, saturating the market to the point where banking institutions suffer low profits and have difficulty differentiating themselves from competitors.  

A.  glancing

B.  scanning

C.  permeating  


5. Additionally, institutional mergers failed to resolve basic financial problems.

A.  abate  

B.  amplify

C.  exacerbate


6. The merger policies were intended to strengthen poorly performing banks or credit cooperatives by merging them with more healthy financial institutions. 

A.  enervate

B.  invigorate

C.  deplete


7. However, merged entities have suffered an impaired corporate performance owing to defaulted loans and debts acquired during their mergers.

A.  tainted  

B.  healthy

C.  vigorous


8. With continued globalization, most notably in the form of WTO entry, the financial sector will undoubtedly face increased competition as overseas firms gain a foothold in the domestic market.

A.  abating

B.  receding

C.  sustained  


9. With continued globalization, most notably in the form of WTO entry, the financial sector will undoubtedly face increased competition as overseas firms gain a foothold in the domestic market.

A.  disavow

B.  encounter  

C.  refute


10. Furthermore, given the financial problems associated with market liberalization and institutional merger policies, the Taiwanese government must closely re-examine the problems and implement responses to increase banking service quality and improve the competitiveness of domestic institutions.

A.  recruiting procedures

B.  procurement strategies

C.  measures  



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Additional practice can be found in  Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy for some of these definitions.

View the accompanying Power Point presentation on details of how to write this paragraph.

