閱讀技巧 (Reading Comprehension)


Exercise 493
Purpose: Increasing reading comprehension skills /加強閱讀技巧

Pick the work or expression whose meaning is closest to the meaning of the underlined word or expression in the following passages.


1.  Professor Lin Chin Tsai, President of Yuanpei University of Science and Technology, referred me to you.  

A.  spurned you

B.  recommended you

C.  demoted you


2.  My graduate school research has focused on Sociometric Science, with specialized training in Statistics and Gray Mathematical Theory.

A. emphasized

B. played down

C. disintegrated


3.  My graduate school research has focused on Sociometric Science, with specialized training in Statistics and Gray Mathematical Theory.

A.  basic

B.  standard

C.  customized


4.  I am currently developing a movement disability morbidity model capable not only of accurately forecasting the population of disabled elderly in Taiwan, but also of overcoming the limitations of the conventional population projection model, which incorporates static disability morbidity.

A. projecting

B.  generalizing

C.  universalizing


5.  I am currently developing a movement disability morbidity model capable not only of accurately forecasting the population of disabled elderly in Taiwan, but also of overcoming the limitations of the conventional population projection model, which incorporates static disability morbidity.

A.  subordinate to

B.  prevailing over

C.  inferior to


6.  I am currently developing a movement disability morbidity model capable not only of accurately forecasting the population of disabled elderly in Taiwan, but also of overcoming the limitations of the conventional population projection model, which incorporates static disability morbidity.

A. infinite

B.  unbounded

C.  confinements   


7.  I am currently developing a movement disability morbidity model capable not only of accurately forecasting the population of disabled elderly in Taiwan, but also of overcoming the limitations of the conventional population projection model, which incorporates static disability morbidity.

A. atypical

B.  traditional   

C.   novel      


8.  I am currently developing a movement disability morbidity model capable not only of accurately forecasting the population of disabled elderly in Taiwan, but also of overcoming the limitations of the conventional population projection model, which incorporates static disability morbidity.

A.  distances itself from

B.   separate itself from

C.   embodies  


9.  The university would like me to receive advanced training that would not only familiarize me with the long-term health care system, but also expose me to population distribution research, including variations among long-term health care systems worldwide.

A. reveal

B.  conceal

C.  shroud


10.  The university would like me to receive advanced training that would not only familiarize me with the long-term health care system, but also expose me to population distribution research, including variations among long-term health care systems worldwide.

A. resistant to change

B.  unalterable

C. modifications


11.  Your laboratory, a leader in this field of research, could expose me to the latest trends in long-term health care from a global perspective.

A. viewpoint

B.  mandate

C.  regulation


12.  I hope therefore to join your laboratory for three months this year, preferably from March to June, if convenient for you.

A. unattainable

B.  impractical

C.  expedient


13.  The proposed format is that of a self-supported guest worker at your laboratory.

A. structure

B. objective

C. mission


  14.  The proposed format is that of a self-supported guest worker at your laboratory. 

A. requesting financial support unconditionally

B.  paying one’s own expenses

C.  requesting financial support in exchange for a certain amount of work

Score =

Additional practice can be found in  Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy for some of these definitions.

View the accompanying Power Point presentation on details of how to write this paragraph.

