閱讀技巧 (Reading Comprehension)


Exercise 287
Purpose: Increasing reading comprehension skills /加強閱讀技巧

Listen to the following story from Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy:

Pick the work or expression whose meaning is closest to the meaning of the underlined word or expression in the following passages.



1.                   The many extracurricular activities that Betty participated in during university gave her the necessary balance of developing academic and social skills simultaneously.

A.             in addition to business

B.              in addition to work

C.              in addition to school 


2.                 The many extracurricular activities that Betty participated in during university gave her the necessary balance of developing academic and social skills simultaneously.

A.             school related 

B.              business related

C.              work related


3.                 The many extracurricular activities that Betty participated in during university gave her the necessary balance of developing academic and social skills simultaneously.

A.             reflective

B.              solitary

C.              gregarious 


4.                 The many extracurricular activities that Betty participated in during university gave her the necessary balance of developing academic and social skills simultaneously.

A.             sequentially

B.              at the same time 

C.              at different times


5.                 She often served as a representative or spokesperson of campus organizations, subsequently making many new friends and building her self-confidence.

A.             mouthpiece 

B.              rebel

C.              loner


6.                 She often served as a representative or spokesperson of campus organizations, subsequently making many new friends and building her self-confidence.

A.             before 

B.              later

C.              prior to


7.                 She often served as a representative or spokesperson of campus organizations, subsequently making many new friends and building her self-confidence.

A.             self-awareness

B.              self-knowledge

C.              self-esteem 


8.                 Also, the fact that she is bilingual allowed her to easily adjust to different cultures and understand how different market niches fit in the larger global picture.

A.             ability to read and type at the same time

B.              ability to speak two languages  

C.              ability to use two computer languages


9.                 Also, the fact that she is bilingual allowed her to easily adjust to different cultures and understand how different market niches fit in the larger global picture.

A.             get along with

B.              get rid of

C.              get used to 


10.            Also, the fact that she is bilingual allowed her to easily adjust to different cultures and understand how different market niches fit in the larger global picture.

A.             commercial sectors

B.              commercial opportunities

C.              commercial investment


11.              Also, the fact that she is bilingual allowed her to easily adjust to different cultures and understand how different market niches fit in the larger global picture.

A.             resist

B.              belong to

C.              withhold from


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Additional practice can be found in  Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy for some of these definitions.

View the accompanying Power Point presentation on details of how to write this paragraph.

