閱讀技巧 (Reading Comprehension)


Exercise 286
Purpose: Increasing reading comprehension skills /加強閱讀技巧

Listen to the following story from Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy:

Pick the work or expression whose meaning is closest to the meaning of the underlined word or expression in the following passages.



1.                  After several years of participation, he gradually assumed a leading role in planning the program of these youth camps.

A.             avoidance

B.              involvement 

C.              descent


2.                After several years of participation, he gradually assumed a leading role in planning the program of these youth camps.

A.             slowly 

B.              rapidly

C.              speedily


3.                After several years of participation, he gradually assumed a leading role in planning the program of these youth camps.

A.             executed

B.              provided

C.              took on 


4.                While providing sports, entertainment, and art-related activities, these camps equip students with communicative skills, provide exposure to peers on an equal footing and broaden their horizons. 

A.             work

B.              leisure 

C.              internship


5.                While providing sports, entertainment, and art-related activities, these camps equip students with communicative skills, provide exposure to peers on an equal footing and broaden their horizons. 

A.             subtract

B.              furnish 

C.              extract


6.                While providing sports, entertainment, and art-related activities, these camps equip students with communicative skills, provide exposure to peers on an equal footing and broaden their horizons.

A.             reflective

B.              argumentative

C.              social 


7.                While providing sports, entertainment, and art-related activities, these camps equip students with communicative skills, provide exposure to peers on an equal footing and broaden their horizons.

A.             openness 

B.              concealing

C.              limiting


8.                While providing sports, entertainment, and art-related activities, these camps equip students with communicative skills, provide exposure to peers on an equal footing and broaden their horizons.

A.             superiors

B.              subordinates

C.              equals 


9.                While providing sports, entertainment, and art-related activities, these camps equip students with communicative skills, provide exposure to peers on an equal footing and broaden their horizons.

A.             fairly 

B.              unequally

C.              proportionately

10.           While providing sports, entertainment, and art-related activities, these camps equip students with communicative skills, provide exposure to peers on an equal footing and broaden their horizons.

A.             limit one’s capacity to learn

B.              provide new experiences

C.              refrain from new experiences


11.             Executing such a comprehensive camp schedule requires close collaboration among team members to ensure success.

A.             carrying out 

B.              averting

C.              preventing


12.           Executing such a comprehensive camp schedule requires close collaboration among team members to ensure success.

A.             lacking

B.              deficient

C.              complete 


13.           Executing such a comprehensive camp schedule requires close collaboration among team members to ensure success.

A.             cooperation 

B.              separation

C.              division


14.           Executing such a comprehensive camp schedule requires close collaboration among team members to ensure success.

A.             preclude

B.              forestall

C.              guarantee 


15.           As a leader, Jerry had to initiate innovative ways of keeping volunteers involved, such as planning special dinners to coincide with planning sessions, using a sense of humor to retain everyone's interest, making related tasks enjoyable and, above all, providing an example of hard work for others to follow.

A.             begin 

B.              delay

C.              shelve


16.           As a leader, Jerry had to initiate innovative ways of keeping volunteers involved, such as planning special dinners to coincide with planning sessions, using a sense of humor to retain everyone's interest, making related tasks enjoyable and, above all, providing an example of hard work for others to follow.


A.             regressive

B.              creative 

C.              orthodox


17.           As a leader, Jerry had to initiate innovative ways of keeping volunteers involved, such as planning special dinners to coincide with planning sessions, using a sense of humor to retain everyone's interest, making related tasks enjoyable and, above all, providing an example of hard work for others to follow.

A.             occur during separate periods

B.              occur at different times

C.              occur at the same time 


18.           As a leader, Jerry had to initiate innovative ways of keeping volunteers involved, such as planning special dinners to coincide with planning sessions, using a sense of humor to retain everyone's interest, making related tasks enjoyable and, above all, providing an example of hard work for others to follow.

A.             simple minded

B.              dullness

C.              wit 


19.           As a leader, Jerry had to initiate innovative ways of keeping volunteers involved, such as planning special dinners to coincide with planning sessions, using a sense of humor to retain everyone's interest, making related tasks enjoyable and, above all, providing an example of hard work for others to follow.

A.             distract

B.              keep 

C.              deflect


20.         As a leader, Jerry had to initiate innovative ways of keeping volunteers involved, such as planning special dinners to coincide with planning sessions, using a sense of humor to retain everyone's interest, making related tasks enjoyable and, above all, providing an example of hard work for others to follow.

A.             originality

B.              creativity

C.              diligence 


21.           This unique leadership opportunity was one of the most rewarding experiences of his undergraduate years.

A.             novel 

B.              ordinary

C.              commonplace


22.         This unique leadership opportunity was one of the most rewarding experiences of his undergraduate years.

A.             high school

B.              university 

C.              graduate school


Score =

Additional practice can be found in  Writing Effective Study Plans by Ted Knoy for some of these definitions.

View the accompanying Power Point presentation on details of how to write this paragraph.

