Details of class assignments

Assignment 1:Paper organization


How to Write and Publish Engineering Papers and Reports by Herbert B. Michaelson Chapters 2,4,5


Organizing the research paper. Organize the research paper by stating the following:

  • Title The title should be specific and brief, as well as easily understood for keywords to be easily identified for indexing purposes. Avoid long titles that begin with useless words like "Studies on,""Investigations on,"and Observations on."Also, "A, An, or The"as title openers are also unnecessary.
  • Engineering or scientific objective(s) Beginning with the word "to", list the objective(s) or your research. Among the more common research objectives include
    1. to develop a new theory or principle
    2. to show practical applications of known principles
    3. to develop a solution for an engineering problem in a device, material, system or process
    4. to design a new structural system
    5. to develop a new or improved method
    6. to establish a set of standards
  • Engineering or scientific motivations Beginning with the word "to", list the motivations for your research. Research motivation simply means, "What is the result of obtaining my research objective?"List two kinds of motivations: (a) one that emphasizes the specific result of obtaining your objective(preferably stated in quantitative terms) and (b) another that stresses the general contribution of this research. Consider this example:

    Engineering objective: (to show practical applications of a known principle) "to apply computer simulation for cycle time control to the semi-conductor industry".

    Engineering motivation: (specific) "to reduce the weakness of static analysis by 15%) and (general) "to satisfy customer's requirements by shortening wafer production cycle time."

  • Personal motivation By starting out with "to", state your personal motivation for writing the paper. Among the most common reasons include

    to attend a conference
    to propose a new program
    to publish before competition does
    to graduate from university

  • Outline for research. Your engineering/scientific objectives, motivations and personal motivation affect the structure of your paper. By using the outline on page 25 of How To Write and Public Engineering Papers and Reports as an example, write an outline for your research(preferably 1 to 1 1/2 pages).

Assignment 2 Outline for technical argument


Technical Writing and Professional Communication for Nonnative Speakers of English by Thomas Huckin and Leslie A. Olsen International edition. Chapter 4


Organizing the technical argument outline. Organize a technical argument outline for your research by considering the following, as interpreted from Chapter 4(pp. 80-81) of Technical Writing and Professional Communication for Nonnative Speakers of English:

Technical argument

Argument of fact

  • Subargument of existence: "Does it exist?"or "Has something happened?
    (Engineering/Scientific phenomena/ event/ origin)
  • Subargument of definition: "If it exists or has happened, what is it?"
    (Engineering/Scientific problem)
  • Subargument of quality: "If it exists and has been defined, how is it to be judged?"(The range/extent/implications of the Engineering/Scientific problem) Based on the above fact, we should...(Engineering/Scientific objective)

Argument of Policy

  • Subargument of expedience, advantage, or use: "Is the proposed activity good for the audience in that it is expedient, advantageous, or useful?"
    Engineering/Scientific motivation(specific): What are the specific results that help me obtain my Engineering/Scientific objective?
  • Subargument of worth or goodness: "Is the proposed activity worthy or good in itself?"
    Engineering/Scientific motivation(general): What is the general contribution of this research to a particular field or area?

By applying the above model to your research, (a) write out three questions that represent your engineering/scientific phenomenon/event, your engineering/scientific problem, and the range/extent/implications of your engineering/scientific problem; (b) using the form "Based on the above fact, we should…"write your engineering/scientific objective; and ( c) write out two questions that represent the engineering/scientific motivations (general and specific) of your research. An example can be found in Homework sample (assignments 1, 2, 4, 5).

(NOTE: The above two subarguments in Argument of Policy should be the same as those listed as your engineering/scientific motivations in Assignment 1.) 

Assignment 3 Technical argument


Technical Writing and Professional Communication for Nonnative Speakers of English by Thomas N. Huckin and Leslie A. Olsen International edition. Chapter 4


Writing a technical argument. Write a technical argument (300 to 450 words) by (a)turning the three questions from your Argument of Fact into three topic sentences and, then, three separate paragraphs(4-6 sentences in each paragraph); (b) using the Technical Argument sentence "Based on the above fact, we should…(Engineering/Scientific objective)"as the sole sentence of the fourth paragraph; and ( c) turning the two questions from your Argument of Policy into two topic sentences and, then, two separate paragraphs(4-6 paragraphs).

Assignment 4 Engineering/Scientific need and Problem/Hypothesis statements


Technical Writing and Professional Communication for Nonnative Speakers of English by Thomas N. Huckin and Leslie A. Olsen International edition. Chapter 14


Identifying the reader's interests(Engineering/Scientific need). Develop a criteria formula on how to understand what the reader of your article is interested in. Consider the following adaptation from pp. 280-281 of Technical Writing and Professional Communication for Nonnative Speakers of English:

  • Effectiveness (Is it good?): Is the solution effective? Will it solve the problem posed? Why? How do we know?
  • Technical Feasibility (Does it work?): Can the solution be implemented? Does it require technology or resources that are unavailable? How do we know?
  • Desirability(Is it what we want?): Would we want to implement the proposed solution? Does it have any undesirable effects? Does it have desirable effects? Why? What are they?
  • Affordability (Can we afford it?): What will the solution cost to implement? To maintain? Is this cost reasonable? Is it affordable? Will it reduce costs in the future? Why?
  • Preferability (Is it better?): Is the solution better than or preferred over any other possible solution? Why?

    By applying the above model to your research, write out five sentences that collectively summarize your reader's interest in the paper you want to publish.

Refer to the example in Homework samples (1, 2, 4, 5).


Writing the Problem statement. Summarize the engineering/scientific problem that you are trying to solve/address (5 to 7 sentences). Refer to the example in Homework samples (1, 2, 4, 5). In writing the Problem statement, adhere to the following guidelines:

  • State the Engineering/Scientific phenomenon/event /origin(i.e. technical argument question #1) in one sentence .
  • In the next sentence, start out with the word "However,"and then state the Engineering/Scientific problem(i.e. technical argument question #2) in one sentence.
  • The above two steps can be combined into one sentence by using this sentence pattern: "Although (Engineering/ Scientific phenomenon/event/origin), (Engineering/Scientific problem).
  • In the next sentence, state the range/extent/implications if such a problem exists(i.e. technical argument question#3) in one sentence. You might add an extra sentence to directly state how the problem affects the reader(i.e. reader's interests).
  • The final sentence should start out with the word "Therefore,"and state what is needed to solve the problem (i.e. Engineering/Scientific need).

Refer to the Homework samples (1, 2, 4, 5) for further details.


Writing the Hypothesis statement. Summarize your means to resolve the Engineering/Scientific problem in 5 to 7 sentences. In doing so, adhere to the following guidelines:

  • In the first sentence, state the Engineering/Scientific objective as if it were a feasible possibility, using the word "can".
  • Briefly summarize the methodology(1 to 3) sentences) used to achieve the Engineering/Scientific objective.
  • State the anticipated results(i.e. Engineering motivation (specific) in one or two sentences.
  • In the final sentence, state the general contribution of this research(i.e. Engineering/Scientific motivation (general).

Assignment 5 Abstract


How to Write and Publish and Engineering Paper and Report by Herbert B. Michaelson Second edition. Chapter 6


Writing the Abstract. Write the Abstract by adhering to the following guidelines:

  • State the Engineering/Scientific phenomenon/event/origin(i.e. technical argument question #1) in one sentence
  • In the next sentence, start out with the word "However,"and then state the Engineering/Scientific problem(i.e. technical argument question #2) in one sentence.
  • The above two steps can be combined into one sentence by using this sentence pattern: "Although (Engineering/Scientific phenomenon/event/origin), (Engineering/Scientific problem).
  • Briefly summarize the methodology used to achieve the Engineering/Scientific objective.
  • State the anticipated results(i.e. Engineering motivation(specific).
  • In the final sentence, state the general contribution of this research(i.e. Engineering/Scientific motivation (general).


Assignment 6 Introduction


How to Write and Publish Engineering Papers and Reports by Herbert B. Michaelson Chapter 7(Optional) How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper by Robert A. Day Chapter 7


Writing the Introduction. Write the Introduction by adhering to the following guidelines:

  • State the background information(i.e. first three paragraphs of Technical argument)
  • Review previous attempts to solving the problem by pointing out a) the chief contributions of literature, b) the limitations of previous research and c) the Engineering/Scientific need to fill the gap.
  • State your Engineering/Scientific objective and describe the methodology used to attain the objective.
  • Describe how the results in your research satisfy the Engineering/Scientific motivations(i.e. fourth and fifth paragraphs of Technical argument), thereby fulfilling the reader's interests(i.e. Engineering/Scientific need).

In the final paragraph, list the contents of the rest of the paper.

Assignment 7 Conclusion


How to Write and Publish Engineering Papers and Reports by Herbert B. Michaelson. Chapter 9(Optional) How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper by Robert A. Day Chapter 10


Writing the Conclusion. Write the Conclusion for your research by adhering to the following guidelines:

  • Restate your Engineering/Scientific objective
  • Briefly summarize your methodology employed to attain the objective.
  • Interpret your results by asking some of the following questions:
    1. Were your results expected? If not, why not?
    2. What generalizations or claims are you making about your results?
    3. Do your results contradict or support other experimental results?
    4. Do they suggest other observations or experiments which could be done to confirm, refute, or extend your results?
    5. Do your results support or contradict existing theory?
    6. Do your results suggest that modifications or extensions need to be made to existing theory? What are they?
    7. Could your results lead to any practical applications?
  • Stress how the results in this study confirm your ngineering/Scientific motivations (specific and general) and, ultimately, your reader's interests(i.e. Engineering/Scientific need).

Assignment 8 Technical oral presentation of research findings


English Oral Presentations for Chinese Technical Writers- a Case Study Approach by Ted Knoy Units 11 and 12


Presenting research findings. Write out the English script for an oral presentation of your research findings, as to be given at an international conference. Using Power Point 7.0, place the illustrations at the top of the page and the English script describing that particular figure at the bottom. Choose one of the following models to write your presentation:

General to specific approach. Use a gradual approach to presenting your research

findings by elaborating on contributing factors. Further details can be found in Unit 11 of English Oral Presentations for Chinese Technical Writers. In constructing the presentation, adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Begin the presentation by identifying yourself, the organization you work for, your primary research interest, and the title of your presentation.
  • Introduce the organization you work for by displaying a slide of the facilities.
  • Briefly introduce the missions of your organization.
  • Highlight information about your current field of research, including the specific objective of the research title for your presentation.
  • Describe your research approach in general terms.
  • Divide the experimental section into specific parts, describing the significance of each part.
  • Conclude the presentation by summing up the main findings of the research.
  • Acknowledge those individuals that helped you carry out the research.

(NOTE: If necessary, refer to the Chinese translation of above guidelines in Unit 11.)

Specific Approach. Instead of elaborating on contributing factors to your research, go directly into your experimental findings. Further details can be found in Unit 12 of English Oral Presentations for Chinese Technical Writers. In constructing the presentation, adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Begin the presentation by identifying yourself, the organization you work for, the title of the presentation, and the lecture contents.
  • Introduce the product technology that you are trying to develop by defining it, describing its commercial applications, discussing the problems with implementing it, and introducing how you plan to resolve this problem.
  • Describe the experimental apparatus/setup used in your research.
  • Present the experimental section while providing two or three internal summaries so that the audience can more easily manage a large amount of information.
  • Conclude your presentation by summarizing the main findings.

(NOTE: If necessary, refer to the Chinese translation of above guidelines in Unit 12.)

Assignments 9 and 10 Technical oral presentation


English Oral Presentations for Chinese Technical Writers - A Case Study Approach by Ted Knoy Units 1 thru 9


Select two of the ten different technical oral presentations outlined below and detailed in English Oral Presentations for Chinese Technical Writers. By applying the two forms as closely to your own research interests as possible, write out the English script for the two presentations. Further details can be found in the above reading. . Each presentation's length should be roughly equivalent to that found in the above book.

  1. Developing a product or product technology(research and market-oriented)(Unit 1 of English Oral Presentations for Chinese Technical Writers)Write an oral presentation on product development from a research and market-oriented perspective. Adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Start out with a greetings and then preview the topics to be covered in the presentation.
  • Introduce your organization's missions and basic strategy.
  • Provide a thesis statement(3 or 4 sentences) on why developing this particular product is a logical choice.
  • Briefly state the rationale for developing this product.
  • In describing the technological aspect of developing this product, point out its advantages over related products and its potential benefits.
  • In describing the financial aspect of developing this product, point out the market trends in the area of development.
  • Visually depict the organization's strategy and approach to developing the product.
  • Summarize market survey results, particularly in terms of the product's commercial potential and categories of product application.
  • Present a chronological roadmap of what the organization has acheived so far in developing the product.
  • Summarize the key results attained so far in developing the product. This may require an internal summary if there is a large amount of key results and significant achievements. If so, try to categorize this information into two or three areas, e.g. core technologies employed to obtained the key results and significant achievements.
  • Briefly expound on the current status and directions in product development.
  • Cite an example of product commercialization.
  • Conclude the presentation by reinforcing some of the main themes and their relation to future trends and directions.

(NOTE: If necessary, refer to the Chinese translation of the above guidelines in Unit 1.)

  1. Developing a product or product technology(projected-oriented)(Unit 2 of English Oral Presentations for Chinese Technical Writers). Write an oral presentation on product development from a project point of view. Adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Begin the presentation by introducing the presentation title.
  • Preview the topics to be covered in the presentation.
  • Introduce your organization by displaying a slide of the facilities.
  • Describe the missions of your organization.
  • Provide the rationale for taking on the project.
  • Present market data that justifies the project's feasibility.
  • Spell out the immediate and long term goals of the project.
  • Describe the project's distinguishing features, while pointing out the strategy employed to successfully complete it.
  • Conclude the presentation by pointing out the anticipated merits of the project and the positive impact that it will have.

(NOTE: If necessary, refer to the Chinese translation of above guidelines in Unit 2.)

  1. Developing a product or product technology(general)(Unit 3 of English Oral Presentations for Chinese Technical Writers). Write an oral presentation that describes the general aspects of product development. Adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Begin the presentation by directly stating its objective.
  • Preview the lecture contents.
  • Briefly introduce your organization, including its missions and organizational structure.
  • Summarize the status of a particular product's development in Taiwan, including its market value, unique feature and characteristics, and major manufacturers.
  • Mention briefly the rationale for further developing the product, along with the general course of product development.
  • Highlight specific product developments made so far.
  • Conclude the presentation by pointing to the future directions and challenges faced in further developing the product.

(NOTE: If necessary, refer to the Chinese translation of the above guidelines in Unit 3.)

  1. Introducing a technology organization(Unit 4 of English Oral Presentations for Chinese Technical Writers). Write an oral presentation that introduces a technology organization. Adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Begin the presentation with a greetings and a preview of the presentation contents.
  • Briefly overview the industry to which your organization belongs.
  • Describe your organization's mission as well as highlight its historical development.
  • Introduce the organizational structure.
  • If necessary, outline the organization's operating funds and (for non-profit organizations) the characteristics of each funding source.
  • Highlight recent technical accomplishments within the organization.
  • Conclude the presentation by pointing toward the organization's future directions.

(NOTE: If necessary, refer to the Chinese translation of the above guidelines in Unit 4.)

  1. Introducing a research division or department(Unit 5 of English Oral Presentations for Chinese Technical Writers). Write an oral presentation that describes the research division or department to which you belong. Adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Start out with a greetings and a preview of the presentation contents.
  • Describe the setting of your division or department within the larger organization.
  • Highlight the organizational structure of the division or department.
  • Point out the staff's strengths and educational backgrounds/ work experience in a particular field.
  • Spell out the missions of the division or department.
  • Elaborate on the manufacturing or research capabilities within the division or department.
  • List the technical services (e.g. industrial and consultancy) that the department or division offers.
  • Encourage the audience to think of ways to cooperate with the division or department.
  • Conclude the presentation by pointing toward the development strategy of the division or department.

(NOTE: If necessary, refer to the Chinese translation of the above guidelines in Unit 5.)

  1. Introducing a technology(Unit 6 of English Oral Presentations for Chinese Technical Writers). Write an oral presentation that describes the technological developments within your field. Adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Start out by stating the objectives of the presentation and preview the topics to be covered.
  • Briefly explain the factors(internal and external) factors that influence development of this technology in Taiwan.
  • Point out the unique characteristics of this technology development in Taiwan.
  • List the objectives of how to further develop this technology.
  • Define the role of this technology in relation to environmental, manufacturing or technology problems.
  • Briefly summarize previous efforts to solve or alleviate above problems, along with the contributions and limitations of such efforts.
  • List applications of this technology made so far, highlighting any particular characteristics or features that are unique to Taiwan's circumstances.
  • Cite specific cases of such applications.
  • Highlight the available opportunities for investment and cooperation in this technology market.
  • Conclude the presentation by pointing to future challenges in continuously applying this technology.

(NOTE: if necessary, refer to the Chinese translation of above guidelines in Unit 6.)

  1. Introducing an industry(Unit 7 of English Oral Presentations for Chinese Technical Writers). Write an oral presentation that introduces the status of the local industry to which either your research focuses on or your company/organization belongs to. Adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Begin the presentation by previewing the topics to be covered.
  • Briefly highlight the general characteristics of this industry in Taiwan.
  • Point out the difficulties encountered in industrial development.
  • Describe current activities of the particular industrial sector.
  • Elaborate on the available technologies that are employed by the industry.
  • Discuss the related research and development facilities in Taiwan, and how they assist/collaborate with that particular industry.
  • Outline the major research and development programs that are currently underway within the industry.
  • Provide a case example of industrial development.
  • Concluding the presentation by point toward future development trends within the industry.

(NOTE: If necessary, refer to the Chinese translation of above guidelines in Unit 7.)

  1. Reviewing or summarizing a technological development(Unit 8 of English Oral Presentations for Chinese Technical Writers). Write an oral presentation that reviews the previous development of some technical aspect. Adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Start out by previewing the topics to be covered.
  • Provide a general definition of the topic that is to be reviewed, e.g. technology transfer.
  • Briefly explain Taiwan's relation with that topic.
  • Outline the history of industrial, manufacturing or technology development in relation to the topic.
  • Compare Taiwan with other countries in terms of the topic.
  • Elaborate on the research and development system in relation to the topic.
  • Highlight various models or concepts related to the topic.
  • Provide an illustrative example related to the topic.
  • Having reviewed the topic, conclude by pointing out some of the general implications that can be made for future action.

(NOTE: If necessary, refer to the Chinese translation of above guidelines in Unit 8.)

  1. Visiting an overseas company(Unit 9 of English Oral Presentations for Chinese Technical Writers). Write a brief oral presentation that is to be made when visiting an overseas company. Adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Start out by directly stating the objectives of the company visit.
  • Introduce your organization in terms of its missions, range of research or manufacturing projects, as well as unique features or characteristics.
  • Cite a specific product technology application in your organization(including future research trends).
  • Conclude the talk by calling for further collaborative ties between your two organizations.

(NOTE: If necessary, refer to the Chinese translation of above guidelines in Unit 9.)

  1. Reporting on research or technical capabilities(Unit 10 of English Oral Presentations for Chinese Technical Writers) Write an oral presentation that describes the current status of research or technical capabilities of your laboratory. Adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Starting out by identifying the lecture's objective and, then, preview the topics to be covered.
  • Describe your organization in terms of a brief history, its missions, staff, operating funds, and organizational structure.
  • Describe the capabilities of experiments in your research focus, while elaborating on equipment and the kidns of experiments which can be performed.
  • Introduce the main equipment in your laboratory, along with specific experiments which can be performed.
  • Touch on the related hardware or software available to your laboratory.
  • Inform what technical or industrial services are provided by your laboratory.
  • Conclude the presentation by pointing to future directions on how research and technical capabilities can be expanded, or what potential research areas are to be explored.

(NOTE: If necessary, refer to the Chinese translation of above guidelines in Unit 10.)

Assignment 11 Technical correspondence


A Correspondence Manual for Chinese Technical Writers by Ted Knoy Units 1 thru 5


Using the accompanying software package, write twelve letters by selecting from the following thirty-nine options. Write at least two letters from each of the following categories: (I.)Technical cooperation, (II.)Technical visits overseas, (III.)Technical visits from abroad, (IV.)Technical training, and (V.) Requesting information.

(I.) Technical cooperation

  1. Proposing information exchange. Using 1.1 in the accompanying software as a model, write a letter proposing an information exchange with another organization. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Refer to previous correspondence, if any.
  • Directly propose an information exchange between your two organizations.
  • Give background information on your organization, including objectives, major activities, and achievement.
  • Welcome and/or provide suggestions regarding how to initiate the information exchange, e..g. a technical talk.
  1. Proposing information exchange. Using 1.3 in the accompanying software as a model, write a letter proposing an information exchange with another organization. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Refer to previous correspondence, if any.
  • Introduce the major programs or activities within your department or laboratory.
  • Acknowledge the achievements of the reader's corporation/organization and propoose an information exchange relationship.
  1. Seeking a technology licensor. Using 1.5 in the accompanying software as a model, write a letter seeking a licensor of a technology that your organization would like to use or to introduce to other companies in Taiwan. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • State your intention to license a particular technology.
  • Briefly describe your interest in the technology.
  • Clarify the role of your organization in this proposed technology licensing agreement.
  1. Seeking a technology licensor. Using 1.6 in the accompanying software as a model, write a letter seeking a licensor of a technology that your organization would like to use or to introduce to the local industrial sector. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Refer to your organization's previous relationship with the company.
  • Describe your current project and your interest in a technology transfer from abroad.
  • Commend the reader's company on its reputation for developing such products.  
  1. Transferring a technology. Using 1.7 in the accompanying software as a model, write a letter expressing the desire to expedite the licensing of a foreign-owned technology to a company in Taiwan. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Acknowledge their previous correspondence and commend their interest in licensing the technology.
  • Clarify the role of your organization in this technology transfer.
  • Request further information and offer your assistance as a facilitator.
  1. Introducing company for technology transfer. Using 1.9 in the accompanying software as a model, write a letter introducing a company that is interested in receiving technology from abroad. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • State that a company has been located for possible technology transfer.
  • Mention that the primary features, major products, and achievements of this company.
  • Highlight the manufacturing or research capabilities of this company in relation to potential technology developments in Taiwan.
  • Mention that you've included other information in an attachment.
  1. Seeking technical cooperation. Using 1.11 in the accompanying software as an example, write a letter seeking technical cooperation with a company overseas. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Mentioned who referred you to their company and state your interest in technical cooperation.
  • Briefly describe your organization and its' primary objectives.
  • Introduce your program and the major items to be developed.
  1. Seeking technical cooperation. Using 1.13 in the accompanying software as an example, write a letter seeking technical coopertion with an overseas company. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • State how you heard of their company, and express your confidence in the outcome of the technical cooperation.
  • Request further literature or audiovisual information regarding the company's manufacturing capabilities, along with a list of companies who have used their products.
  • Briefly introduce your organization and describe its interest in intentions of technical cooperation.
  1. Proposing a framework for technical cooperation. Using 1.15 in the accompanying software as a model, write a letter proposing a framework for technical cooperation between your organization and an overseas firm. Create an illustration similar to that in 1.15 to visually clarify the relationship.
  1. Spelling out the specifics of technical collaboration. Using 1.16 in the accompanying software as an example, write a letter focusing on the details of a cooperative relationship. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Provide a brief argument in favor of a cooperative relationship between your two organizations. Emphasize your organization's commitment to the development of this technology in Taiwan.
  • Outline the tasks that both organizations must perform to achieve successful technical cooperation(or strategy alliance).
  • Request clarification in any matters concerning the cooperative agreement that remain unclear.
  1. Applying for international membership. Using 1.17 in the accompanying software as a model, on behalf of your organization, apply for membership into an international body. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Point our who referred or nominated you for membership into the international body in question.
  • Briefly describe your organization, including objectives, major projects and achievements.
  • State the purpose of your application for membership into this international body, and request application materials.
  1. Describing organizational activity. Using 1.19 in the accompanying software as a model, write a letter describing a current organizational activity. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Comment on the inquirer's inteest in the activity and/or objectives that your two organizations share.
  • Describe any major developments or milestones in the promotion of the activity, e.g. data bank, newsletter, programs. Be sure to include the objectives of such activities or programs.
  • Include the names and curriculum vitae of people who can provide further information.
  1. Reporting current activities. Using 1.20 in the accompanying software as a model, write a letter reporting the current status of an activity your organization is involved with. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Briefly describe the background of this activity with respect to the difficulties encountered in developing such an activity.
  • Propose the solutions or steps to be taken to eliminate/alleviate such difficulties.
  • State your organization's need to upgrade the level of this activity.
  1. Describing current activities. Using 1.21 in the accompanying software as a model, write a letter describing the current status of a particular activity in your organization. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Give a brief description of your organization, including its objectives.
  • Describe your organization's involvement in a particular activity.
  • Point to areas of expected involvement in the future.

(II.)Technical visit overseas

  1. Proposing a technical visit(product development). Using 2.1 in the accompanying software as a model, write a letter that proposes a technical visit regarding product development. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Refer to any previous correspondence.
  • Mention and briefly describe any attached information.
  • Commend their organization on achievements in product development.
  • Explain current product development at your organization(or in Taiwan).
  • Propose a technical visit and mention preliminary details.
  1. Proposing a technical visit(program development). Using 2.2 in the accompanying software as a model, write a letter that proposes a technical visit regarding program development. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Refer to any previous correspondence or contact.
  • Introduce your organization's program (e.g. objectives, services, and successes)
  • Stress the global scope of the program and the need for cooperation.
  • Propose a technical visit.

  1. Proposing a technical visit(laboratory development) Using 2.3 in the accompanying software as a model, write a letter that proposes a technical visit regarding laboratory development. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Describe your position and role in the laboratory development at your organization.
  • Mention who recommended you to visit their organization and why they made the recommendation.
  • Emphasize that this visit is the beginning of a cooperative relationship.
  1. Proposing a technical visit(technology development) Using 2.4 in the accompanying software as a model, write a letter that proposes a technical visit regarding development of a particular technology. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Refer to any previous correspondence or contact.
  • Propose a technical visit.
  • Describe how this visit can meet your organization's current need to further develop a certain technology.
  1. Proposing a technical visit(technology development). Using 2.5 in the accompanying software as a model, write a letter that proposes a technical visit regarding technology development. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Mention who suggested that you to visit the company.
  • Commend the company on development of a particular technology.
  • Describe your role in developing a particular technology at your organization.
  • Express your intentions for future collaboration.
  • Mention any scheduling constraints.
  1. Following up on request for technical visit. Using 2.8 in the accompanying software as a model, write a letter reminding a company of your interest in making a technical visit. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Refer to previous conversation(s) and circumstances regarding the technical visit.
  • Restate, in a clear manner, the purpose and objectives of the visit.
  • Politely refer to the lapse in time since the previous conversation, and offer to provide extra information, if necessary.
  1. Changing the itinerary of a technical visit. Using 2.10 in the accompanying software as a model, write a letter that suggests changes in an itinerary for a technical visit. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Commend the organization for preparations made so far.
  • Explain the reason why the changes need to be made.
  • State, in detail, what kind of changes should be made.
  • If necessary, apologize for any unforseeable inconvenience caused by the schedule change.

(III.) Technical visits from abroad

  1. Inviting a speaker. Using 3.1 in the accompanying software as a model, write a letter inviting a speaker to participate in an event, such as a symposium. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Invite the speaker.
  • State the place and time of the event, along with general topic of the lecture.
  • Mention airfare and accomodation arrangements.
  • Ask the speaker to provide a lecture title, handouts, and a curriculum vitae.
  • Close with an optimistic appraisal of the speaker's contribution to the event.
  1. Inviting a consultant or guest worker. Using 3.6 on the accompanying software as a model, write a letter inviting a consultant or guest worker to your organization. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Restate the commitment to foster technical cooperation between your two organizations.
  • Invite the reader to act as a consultant or guest worker.
  • Propose the topics to be covered by the consultant or guest worker.
  • Briefly mention financial arrangements.
  1. Proposing a technical visit's agenda. Using 3.8 on the accompanying software as a model, write a letter proposing an agenda for a technical visit. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • State your role in the upcoming technical visit.
  • Propose topics of discussion.
  • Invite suggestions regarding the proposed agenda.
  1. Introducing the program for a technical meeting. Using 3.13 on the accompanying software as a model, write a letter introducing the program for a symposium. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Give specifics of the symposium, i.e. date, place, and time of lecture.
  • Request all necessary materials, e.g. curriculum vitae, lecture topics, and complete papers.
  • Outline what your organization will provide, e.g. round-trip airfare, hotel accomodations, and living expenses.
  1. Providing final details of a technical lecture. Using 3.14 on the accompanying software as a model, write a letter to provide the final details of a symposium lecture. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Acknowledge receipt of previously requested materials.
  • Mention incidentals related to the symposium lecture, e.g. translators, handouts, and transparencies.
  • Restate arrangements for compensating the lecturer's expenses.
  • Include a copy of the symposium agenda.

  1. Accepting an invitation for a technical visit. Using 3.15 on the accompanying software as a model, write a letter of acceptance for a technical visit. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • State the approval of the application.
  • Mention specifics, e.g. accomodations, living expenses, and additional information required.
  • Propose topics of discussion.

(IV.) Technical training

  1. Applying for guest worker position. Using 4.1 on the accompanying software as a model, apply for a guest worker position at an institute or company. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • State what organization you belong to and describe your current position and background.
  • Describe your current work and tell how it relates to your laboratory's development.
  • State how their organization can meet your organization's need.
  • Propose your stay as a guest worker and tell what your work at their organization would entail.
  • Explain who will compensate for your expenses.
  • Offer references.
  1. Applying for guest worker position. Using 4.2 on the accompany software as a model, apply for a guest worker position at an institute or company. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Briefly describe one of your laboratory's current projects in and explain how a guest worker position would greatly benefit this project.
  • Introduce your organization and highlight some of your own personal research interests.
  • Propose the time period for the guest worker arrangement.
  1. Applying for guest worker position. Using 4.4 on the accompanying software as a model, apply for the position of a guest worker. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Commend the organization on their reputation.
  • Introduce the organization you are to be sponsored by.
  • Briefly summarize your educational background and professional experience. State your topics of interest.
  1. Making suggestions for training curriculum. Using 4.6 on the accompanying software as a model, write a letter suggesting the curriculum for an upcoming training session. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Refer to a previous discussion regarding a training course on a particular technology.
  • Emphasize your organization's commitment to developing this technology, along with related activities currently underway.
  • Propose certain topics to be discussed during the training while giving the speaker the freedom to modify or expand on any of the proposed topics.

(V.) Requesting information

  1. Requesting program information. Using 5.1 on the accompanying software as a model, write a letter requesting program information. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Introduce your organization and refer to any previous correspondence.
  • Compare the similar objectives of your two organizations.
  • Request program information and raise the possibility of future collaboration.
  1. Requesting company information. Using 5.2 on the accompanying software as a model, write a letter requesting company information. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Refer to any previous correspondence.
  • Request a listing of manufacturers of a particular technology.
  • Request other pertinent literature information.
  1. Requesting product information. Using 5.4 on the accompanying software as a model, write a letter requesting product information. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Describe one of your organization's current projects and explain the need for certain products.
  • List the products needed. Provide as much detail as possible.
  • Request pertinent information, e.g. catalogues, price lists, and sales agent information.
  1. Responding to inquiry form. Find an application inquiry form similar to that in 5.7. Write an appropriate response to that inquiry.
  1. Requesting technology information. Using 5.10 on the accompanying software as a model, write a letter requesting technology information. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Mention who referred you or how you found out about the company's expertise.
  • Briefly introduce your company or organization.
  • Request technology information and, if possible, product samples.
  • State why your company wishes to develop this technology.
  1. Requesting specific information. Using 5.13 on the accompanying software as a model, write a letter requesting specific information. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Directly request the information.
  • Introduce your organization, and cite your objectives, major work, and achievements.
  • Provide a brief background on Taiwan's relevant circumstances, as related to the need to develop the technology in question.
  • Suggest the possibility of future cooperation, e.g. visits, symposiums, and technology consultation activities.
  1. Requesting technical information. Using 5.15 on the accompanying software as a model, write a letter to request information. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Refer to previous contact, if any.
  • Mention a previous article or paper written by the reader in which you have a particular interest.
  • Request information related to a specific topic.
  1. Requesting a price quotation. Using 5.17 on the accompanying software as a model, request a price quotation for a product. Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Refer to previous correspondence, if any.
  • Describe your organization's interest in this product.
  • Request a price quotation for a particular product.

Propose a next step that could be taken after the price quotation is agreed upon.