[ Exercise 15 ]

  1. A laser printer normally costs more than an ink jet printer. [ more >>> ]

  2. The committee member proposed that the zoning commission should review the traffic rules.[ more >>> ]

  3. The technician measured the parameters to ensure accurate boundaries.[ more >>> ]

  4. This study focuses on how jet printers and laser printers differ. [ more >>> ]
    (or This study describes how ink jet printers and laser printers differ. )

  5. The members agreed on how the organization should handle the issue.[ more >>> ]
    Depending on the sentence's context, complete, entire and, occasionally, comprehensive can be used as alternatives to whole.
  6. The group decided to let the treasure control the funds. [ more >>> ]

  7. The president authorized the controlling committee to distribute the funds. [ more >>> ]

  8. The governing body explained why the legislative branch enacts the law. [ more >>> ]

  9. The investigator recommended how to solve the problem. [ more >>> ]
    Depending on the sentence's context, obstacle, limitation, restriction, shortcoming, drawback, and phenomenon can be used as alternatives to problem.

  10. The assessors verify the product quality. [ more >>> ]

  11. The pollster surveys the general public on whether the constituents should re-elect the incumbent. [ more >>> ]

  12. The accreditation committee appraises qualified candidates that comply with the standards. [ more >>> ]
    To increase word variety in a sentence, highly, rather, quite and extremely can be used as alternatives to very.