編修英文 (Copyediting Skills)

    [ Exercise 12 ]

    1. The two factories did not significantly differ in production. [ more >>> ]
      In addition to creating a strong verb by turning a noun (significant difference) into a verb, the revised sentence switches from passive to active voice so that the sentence is more effective. Consider the following examples of creating stronger verbs within a sentence:

      The new procedure comes into conflict with conventional practices.
      The new procedure conflicts with conventional practices.

      The following equation makes an assumption that the constructs are valid.
      The following equation assumes that the constructs are valid.

      The section gives a summary of the latest technological developments.
      The section summarizes the latest technological developments.

      The mechanism has the ability to compute more efficiently than other systems.
      The mechanism can compute more efficiently than other systems.

      The committee should make a decision on what to do immediately.
      The committee should decide what to do immediately.

    2. The two age groups did not significantly differ in terms of industrial output.[ more >>> ]

      The verb in the revised sentence is much stronger than in the original one.
    3. The fluctuating value only slightly affects the temperature.[ more >>> ]

    4. Increasing parameter k decreases the optimal ordering quantity. [ more >>> ]
      While the original sentence is in active voice, the original verb (cause) does not as clearly express the action of the sentence as the revised one (decreases) does.
    5. A larger TOPSIS value implies a better product quality. [ more >>> ]
      Many writers tend to use the structure in the original sentence such as "The higher the A, the lower the B." However, the verb is not very clear. Therefore, the revised expression of "A higher A implies a lower B." is preferred.
    6. A larger target implies a higher accuracy. [ more >>> ]

    7. The engineer must adjust the parameters to ensure accuracy. [ more >>> ]
      Turning a noun into a verb and swiching from passive to active voice greatly simplifies this sentence.
    8. This article compares several industrial strategies to ensure market competitiveness.[ more >>> ]
      Unit 6 addresses how to omit needless and redundant phrases to simplify a sentence. One form of redundancy is putting two or more words together that express the same meaning. In this instance "in order to" is a redundant phrase that can be simply expressed as "to" or "for".
    9. The engineer must modify the process to ensure completeness. [ more >>> ]

    10. Networks prevail in every part of society. [ more >>> ]

    11. Network topology refers to how the computers are physically attached to each other. [ more >>> ]

    12. The board of directors must act based on its authority. [ more >>> ]