編修英文 (Copyediting Skills)

[ Exercise 9 ]

  1. Cell formation, the first and most difficult step in CMS design, identifies parts with similar processing requirements and the set of machines capable of processing the corresponding family of parts.
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  2. Taguchi's two-step procedure is in many cases inefficient if certain conditions are not satisfied, possibly preventing it from attaining the minimum quality loss despite a maximized SN ratio.
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  3. Factors A, C, E, F and H significantly affect SN. This finding (observation, occurrence, phenomenon, event) means that a larger SN ratio has a better quality.
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  4. As widely recognized, a constant speed can be obtained if the spindle speed does not vary.
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  5. Their consumption rate in most cases stipulates that its demand rate depends on an increasing stock level.
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  6. The machine operator must assume that a hazardous situation could occur on the shop floor at any time.
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  7. Developing a more feasible approach to resolve the MCG problem that contains many unknown variables is extremely difficult.
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  8. Statistical significance of the regression coefficient implies a significant relationship in the following form.
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  9. Only the first-order interaction effect is considered since the second-order or higher-order interaction effect can generally be ignored in industry.
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  10. The Internet has significantly affected commercial activity worldwide.
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  11. The department chairman is responsible for handling all administrative matters.
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  12. Wearing a safety helmet on the shop floor is a standard safety precaution for workers.
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