[ Exercise 11 ]

  1. The engineers did not know how to adjust the multiple settings of the process parameters. [ more >>> ]

  2. The committee standardized the accreditation procedures.[ more >>> ]

  3. This study applies a novel approach to optimize the conditions for robust design problems.[ more >>> ]

  4. The engineer must experiment with the PCVD process in the manufacturing field. [ more >>> ]

  5. The proposed procedure significantly contributes to the manufacturing sector. [ more >>> ]

  6. Strictly controlling the variables transforms the structure.[ more >>> ]

  7. We conclude that the engineer must vary the parameters to ensure that the system effectively controls the operations. [ more >>> ]
    First Person is appropriate when the author wants to emphasize his or her opinion. Other examples include We can infer, We postulate, We recommend, and We hypothesize.
  8. This section assesses the proposed method to ensure accurate data.[ more >>> ]

  9. Their approach further complicates the computational process. [ more >>> ]

  10. The following section describes how the proposed scheme implements the control factor. [ more >>> ]

  11. The factor does not significantly affect the mean response. [ more >>> ]

  12. The practitioner assesses the product's reliability by compiling the statistics. [ more >>> ]