編修英文 (Copyediting Skills)

[ Exercise 22 ]

  1. An Internet company's success rate is lower than that of an electronics firm.
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  2. An ink jet printer is normally less expensive than a laser one.
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  3. Listening is as important as, if not important than, taking notes when attending a lecture.
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  4. Flat display monitors have as long a product life as, if not longer than, normal ones.
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  5. A graduate student's likelihood of securing employment when completing studies is higher than that of a university student.
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  6. Injuries incurred from playing football are usually more severe than those from other sports.
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  7. A machine's capacity to produce parts is greater than that of a worker.
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  8. School tuition can be as expensive as, if not more expensive than, living expenses.
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  9. Venugopal and Narendran (1992b) considered limitations of machine capacities, production amounts and processing times of parts.
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  10. SN ratios are analyzed to determine the optimal settings of the design parameters.
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  11. A doctorate degree is usually more time consuming than other degrees.
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