編修英文 (Copyediting Skills)

[ Exercise 17 ]

  1. Closely examining the test results, the laboratory manager delayed the final trial for another two weeks.
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  2. He observed the phenomenon while he was conducting the simulation run.
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  3. While analyzing the samples, the technician detected the error.
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  4. Having a large database, the system's network contains much information.
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  5. The technology has been advanced in recent years to satisfy consumer demand.
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  6. After considering the consumer reaction, which is volatile in the early stages of development, he decided to decrease production output.
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  7. When she was only seventeen years old, the university president granted her a doctorate degree.
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  8. To fully understand a lecture, the seminar participant must develop note taking skills.
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  9. My colleague helped me conduct many experiments when I was a research assistant.
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  10. To calibrate the instruments, the technician should emphasize accuracy.
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  11. The mathematician must incorporate precision when measuring the boundary parameters.
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  12. When preparing for an interview, a job applicant should research background information of that company.
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