編修英文 (Copyediting Skills)

[ Exercise 5 ]

  1. Either gas delay time or mold temperatures (impacts , impact ) the surface tension.
  2. My advisor and friend ( are , is ) Professor Wu.
  3. Economics ( plays , play ) a major role in many business decisions.
  4. Everybody ( try , tries ) to create and market a product during the course.
  5. One of the hidden nodes that (was , were ) implemented in the neural network learning algorithms ( was , were ) extensively studied.
  6. There ( is , are ) many topics to be covered during the seminar.
  7. Verification of the generalization capability of the neural model, along with identification of the best forecast of the performance measure, (demonstrates , demonstrate) the efficiency of the network in establishing the optimal parameter society.
  8. A number of parameter setup values in a gas-assisted injection molding process ( are , is) identified.
  9. Evaluation of the effect of various parameters and identification of the optimal parameter setup values in a gas-assisted injection molding process ( is , are ) performed in this study.
  10. The majority of the group (confers , confer ) with the school's decision.
  11. The majority of the parameter setups ( was , were ) constructed for network testing.
  12. The design parameter as well as processing parameters ( makes , make ) the proposed approach more effective.